Laser analyzer selection and applications



No end calibration required, physically traceable! 

LAS-Laser Absorption Spectroscopy

The measurement principle of high-precision laser absorption spectroscopy is based on the absorption of light of a specific wavelength by the detected molecule.

Use laser diode light sources of different wavelengths according to the gas molecules, and then measure the intensity of the transmitted light (I) and incident light (I0) at the detector (Lambert-Beer law) to know the current gas concentration measurement chamber.

MZD uses proprietary technology-enhanced TDLS for gas detection, where a 0.05 nm narrow bandwidth diode laser beam scans across an absorption band of the target gas,  performing a high-resolution near-infrared absorption measurement. 

Direct physical measurements

Selective and continuous measurements in the spectral range from visible to MID-IR

Real spectroscopy (no measurement of auxiliary parameters)

No cross-sensitivity

Narrow-band tunable laser source ensures highest selectivity for the gas to be measured By selecting the ideal absorption line, other gases do not influence the measurement

Small number pectral correlation check

A continuous comparison of the measured and theoretical spectra is done and visualized as "spectral correlation".

It helps the user to see if his measurement results are reasonable.

No condensation, fast response time, low adsorption effect

Due to the pressure and temperature stabilization the measuring chamber operates under vacuum and (due to the correspondingly lower dew point) prevents the formation of condensate. The high (adjustable) flow rate, as well as the vacuum, speeds up the response time and minimizes adsorption and delay effects.

Lowest operating costs

No consumables are required to operate without calibration of gases, chemicals or replacement of maintenance parts. 

Detecting gas components

Ammonia HCl / NH3

Measurement range

0 - 1.000 ppm

Lower detection limit

≤ 100 ppb (2σ)

Linearity error

≤ ± 1 ppm or ± 1 % of measured value

zero-point drift

≤ ± 0,1 ppm in 8 h

Range drift

≤ ± 1 % FS in 8 h

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